
Demand Response programs provide financial incentives to residential customers who can shift or conserve energy use during times of high demand.



High summer temperatures can increase the overall demand for energy. Demand Response programs were designed as a way for residential customers to help manage electric demand or the amount of electricity that is needed in their communities.

When you participate in a Demand Response program and reduce your energy use, you’re helping to reduce stress on the energy grid — which can avoid power outages and maintain a reliable grid. You also benefit the environment by helping to defer or reduce the need to construct new power plants and transmission infrastructure. 最重要的是,你可以获得经济奖励.

Find a program that fits your needs and sign up for a Demand Response program today.



Power Saver Rewards


Power Saver Rewards
Program (PSR)

Earn a bill credit if your home can reduce energy use during a statewide grid emergency.





Under Electric Rule 32, you have the option to participate in Demand Response programs offered by third-party Demand Response Providers.

OhmConnect logo


Save energy. Get paid. Join OhmConnect’s free service to earn weekly payments for saving energy. 当需要保存时,接收文本或电子邮件通知, and connect smart devices to fully automate your OhmConnect experience.

Provider Type: 商业/住宅

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 Leap offers partners with flexible load or batteries to provide their customers with incentives to automatically participate in events during the year.

Provider Type:  商业/住宅

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Enel-X logo

Enel X

Enel X JuiceBox EV charger owners can earn cash for smart charging their EV. 尽量使用清洁剂, cheaper electricity and contribute to a more reliable grid for all with Enel X's JuicePoints Program. 

Provider Type: Residential

Learn more

The above links are for websites or electronic services sponsored by third parties, not SDG&E. SDG&E displays links to websites or electronic services sponsored by third parties. SDG&E is not responsible for the content or operation of third-party websites or electronic services reached by virtue of such links or content, 此类链接或内容的存在并不意味着可持续发展目标&E认可或隶属于该等第三方网站, 服务或第三方, 或者他们提供的任何服务或产品. 第三方,而不是可持续发展目标&E, 是否全权负责任何广告, opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, data, information, content, or other materials that such third parties express or make available, 包括本页面对第三方服务的描述.


Check out our energy-saving tips.


As summer temperatures rise, review your pricing plan to learn when to conserve or shift energy use. 如果您的定价计划包括“减少您的使用”活动日, 为高峰时段和活动时段(下午4-9点)做好准备.m.),以减少你的能源使用,当一个激活被调用.  

Review Your Plan


Reduce Your Use (RYU) or Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) Event Days may be called when there is a need for customers to reduce their energy use to help ease strain on the grid.

当RYU或CPP活动日被调用时, customers enrolled in one of these plans will be asked to conserve energy between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Customers who can meet “program-specific” criteria can receive financial incentives; however, 如果条件不满足, customers will be subject to significantly higher rates on these days.

Reduce Your Use Event Days affect business and residential customers enrolled in a Time-of-Use pricing plan with Reduce Your Use Event Days.

Critical Peak Pricing Event Days affect business customers enrolled in a Critical Peak pricing plan with Critical Peak Pricing Event Days.

Review your contact information each season to confirm that the correct person in your home is signed up to receive notifications and alerts from SDG&E事件日发生时. First sign into azarnewsonline.com/myaccount. Click on your profile name at the top right-hand corner, and then select “Notification Settings.在“账单和帐户”下更新, select your communications preferences and which notifications that you would like to receive. SDG&E’s home page also contains notifications indicating which program's event days have been activated.

Auto Demand Response uses technology-enabled equipment and controls that help streamline energy management and allow businesses to automatically participate in a Demand Response program. If you’re looking for a program that specializes in Auto Demand Response, check out the 技术激励计划,可供我们的商业客户使用.

Demand Response 是可持续发展目标发出的保护呼吁&E, that can provide financial incentives to customers who volunteer to reduce or shift energy use during high-demand periods in response to time-based rates.

Flex警报是全州范围内所有客户的呼叫 加州独立系统运营商(CAISO) 自愿节约能源. Flex Alerts can be triggered during heat waves, when more energy is used to stay cool. Sign up to receive Flex警报通知.

A Reduce Your Use Event Day is called when there is a local need for energy conservation. Customers who are enrolled in a Time-of-Use Plus pricing plan can volunteer to reduce or shift electricity use on certain days and receive financial incentives for meeting "program-specific" Reduce Your Use criteria. 如果不符合标准,可能会受到处罚.

A 公共安全停电(PSPS) is called by SDG&E在极端天气或野火条件下. There may be a need to turn off power in order to keep communities safe.